Community Proclamation Limited Forum Signup
Community members, and those representing Salina-based organizations, may sign up to videotape a community proclamation. Time for videotaping is available on the first and third Mondays of each month from 2-3pm (except city-recognized holidays). Proclamations are cablecast on SalinaTV (Cox Cable channel 20) and are available on the City's YouTube channel.
Please read the Community Proclamation Limited Forum Policy before signing up.
Community members, and those representing Salina-based organizations, may sign up to videotape a community proclamation. Time for videotaping is available on the first and third Mondays of each month from 2-3pm (except city-recognized holidays). Proclamations are cablecast on SalinaTV (Cox Cable channel 20) and are available on the City's YouTube channel.
Please read the Community Proclamation Limited Forum Policy before signing up.