Our Mission
The Salina Fire Department provides fire protection, emergency medical services (EMS), rescue, and hazardous materials services to the citizens of Salina. Rescue and emergency medical services are extended into Saline County by governmental agreement.
Protecting the community is accomplished through rapid deployment of emergency resources, code enforcement, and public education for both fire and medical emergencies.
The Salina Fire Department is comprised of five divisions: Administration, Fire Prevention, Emergency Medical Service (EMS), Training and Safety, and Fire Operations.
The Salina Fire Department is comprised of 91 employees; 80 of the employees are spread across three 24-hour shifts that change daily at 0800. The remaining 11 positions provide administrative, support, and fire prevention services. The Salina Fire Department operates from four strategically located and staffed stations.
- Respond quickly
- Perform professionally
- Save lives and property
- Be caring and compassionate to all
- Make sure “everyone goes home”