BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas:
Section 1. Findings. In relation to the following described real estate:
The Emmanuel Foursquare Church site on the north side of East Cloud Street east of South Ohio Street, containing 5.2 acres, more or less[GB1] which is legally described as Lot 2, Block 1 of the Lundberg Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas (the “Property”)
the Governing Body makes the following findings:
- All conditions precedent for the amendment of the City’s Comprehensive Plan have been timely met;
- The requested Future Land Use Map amendment is justified by changing conditions in the community because a Dillon’s grocery store was constructed directly west of the church in 2012 which was not present when the church was originally built; and
- The requested Future Land Use Map amendment advances goals and policies contained in the Plan because it would help the church diversify the use of the building to serve community needs; and
- There is a public need to change the Comprehensive Plan map designation for the Property to Neighborhood Center because of identified office needs in the community. The Suburban Residential land use classification does not list offices as an appropriate land use or C-3 as a potential zoning district classification, but the Neighborhood Center land use category does.
- The public need is best served by changing the land use designation of the Property, as compared with other available property, because this 5.2 acre tract is directly adjacent to commercial development to the west that is part of the Cloud and Ohio Neighborhood Center. The proposed change in land use designation would allow Emmanuel Foursquare Church to serve the needs of the public by allowing them to develop this site with various accessory uses such as offices, counseling, schools and child care.
- The requested change would not negatively impact the surrounding areas as the property is adjacent to existing commercial development on the west and the church is a large institutional use that is more closely associated with the Ohio Street corridor than the adjacent residential neighborhoods to the south and east.
Section 2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The Future Land Use Map (Figure 2.1) of the Salina Comprehensive Plan is amended to show the Property as a future Neighborhood Center land use area.
Section 3. Repealer. All prior ordinances relating to the Property are repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this ordinance.
Section 4. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance, as soon as practicable after it has been passed and signed, to be published on the City’s website as the designated official city newspaper.
Section 5. Effective date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after publication.
Passed: June 3, 2024
Bill Longbine, Mayor
Nikki Goding, City Clerk