NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Salina Board of Zoning Appeals to consider the following application(s):
Application #V24-6, filed by Karen S. Meier on behalf of the Meier Family Trust, requesting approval of a front yard setback variance of 11 ft. from 25 ft. (the minimum front yard setback required in an R-2 [Multi-Family Residential] district) to 14 ft. to allow construction of a 16 ft. sunroom addition on the west (Fairdale Road) side of an attached dwelling. The property that is the subject of this variance application is legally described as Lot 1, less the East 46 ft., Block 1 of the Village Place Townhomes Addition and is addressed as 2300 Village Lane. Application #V24-7, filed by Betty Kear, requesting a variance to Section 42-58(1) of the Salina Zoning Ordinance, which limits residential lots to two (2) accessory structures, to allow the construction of a new carport structure which would be the fourth accessory structure on the lot. The property that is the subject of this application is a 1.6 acre unplatted tract of land on the south side of East North Street east of Lakewood Park and is addressed as 1620 East North Street. |
The public hearing will be held in Room 107 of the City-County Building and may also be joined via Zoom on October 17, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. A hearing will be granted to any and all persons desiring to be heard on the above request(s).
Salina Board of Zoning Appeals
Dean Andrew, Secretary
Nikki Goding
City Clerk