Neighborhood Repair & Rehabilitation Program (NRRP)
With the expansion of major employers and growth on the horizon, Salina has applied concentrated efforts since 2021 to improve the City’s housing stock for all residents. In 2021 the City adopted a revised housing plan (Live Salina 2021 Supplemental Update) and a housing incentive policy. Since that time, the City has worked with developers to incentivize and begin construction on over 400 new owner-occupied homes and 500 new rental units. With new “green field” construction for housing underway and on track to meet the housing plan goals, City efforts are now turning to the next stage in the housing strategy, “infill” development. Infill development focuses on stabilizing and improving established neighborhoods and the older homes and vacant lots within them.
On March 12, 2023, City staff presented an infill housing strategy to the City Commission. The strategy identified several programs available to Salina that can provide resources for repairing and rehabilitating older homes. The strategy is based on research, the housing plan’s recommendations, best practices from around Kansas and neighboring states, stakeholder feedback, and dialogue with the City Commission. Eligibility for these grants requires pre-application activities and documentation, including community interest survey.
December 2023- $999,999 GRANT AWARDED by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB)
We are now accepting applications.
Complete the Online NRRP Application Here or visit Community Relations Division in the City/County Building, 300 W. Ash, Rm 101, Salina, KS to complete the application in person.
For applications to be accepted, all required documentation needs to be completed and submitted:
☐ NRRP Application – the online or physical copy
☐ Information on Mortgage– provide copy of most recent mortgage statement, if any
☐ Proof of Homeowner’s Insurance – must provide proof of coverage for eligibility
☐ Proof of Income - for all household members over 18 years of age, including:
- Wages (Paystub) or Verification of Employment (VOE) from your employer
- Seasonal Wages
- Non-Traditional Wages
- Self-Employment/Rental Income
- Child Support or Alimony
- Current year SSI
- Retirement / Annuities
- If necessary, Zero Income Household Member Form (Complete for each household member 18+ without income)
For questions or additional details contact: Community Relations Division at (785) 309-5745 or e-mail: [email protected]
This Grant covers the area located within Saline County’s U.S. Census Tract 3, and priority will be given to properties located in the neighborhood bounded by State Street to the north, Ninth Street to the east, South Street to the south, and Broadway to the west. Several factors went into determining the targeted 10-block neighborhood. The target area was identified based on the criteria from the grant sources. This included: average neighborhood income, average condition of the properties, average property value compared to cost of new construction, average property age, average utility usage statistics, and public infrastructure conditions (roads and sidewalks). The Home Rehab Grants will take the existing neighborhood and work with residents to better their homes for longevity and ensure safety.

The City of Salina has been awarded $999,999 through the Federal Home Loan Bank’s (FHLB) Affordable Housing Program. Some highlights of the 2023 awarded grant include:
- Owner occupied homes eligible only
- Homeowners must income qualify
- Participants will be required to complete home ownership course - at no charge
- Participants will be offered additional personal finance class - at no charge
- Anticipate to begin accepting applications in the spring of 2024
- Grant project is projected to run from December 2023 to December 2027
- There is also a link that you may visit to see some of the frequently asked questions related to this grant on "Helpful Links".
For questions or additional details contact: Community Relations Division at (785) 309-5745 or e-mail: [email protected]
Learn more about ALL of the City's Housing Efforts
To learn more about the City of Salina's housing efforts, the City housing plan, and/or infill housing, please see the links below or contact staff.
Contact Staff
Michelle Martin, 785-309-5745 * Lily Morales 785-309-5745 * Marissa Patton, 785-309-5745
Email us!
The City of Salina, Kansas is actively working with the Federal Home Loan Bank grant awarded to help rehabilitate 44 owner-occupied homes located within the neighborhood bounded by State Street to the north, Ninth Street to the east, South Street to the south, and Broadway to the west.
Contractors who would like to be part of this Neighborhood Repair & Rehabilitation Project are encouraged to sign up at: to receive the upcoming Request for Bids from City of Salina Notifications. Each home will be bid individually within the course of the next 3 years. The scope of work for these 44 projects could potentially include work in the following disciplines: roofing, exterior maintenance, mechanical, heating/cooling, electrical, plumbing, structural, and/or doors/windows installation.
Complete the Online NRRP Application Here or visit Community Relations Division in the City/County Building, 300 W. Ash, Rm 101, Salina, KS to complete the application in person.
For applications to be accepted, all required documentation needs to be completed and submitted:
☐ NRRP Application – the online or physical copy
☐ Information on Mortgage– provide copy of most recent mortgage statement, if any
☐ Proof of Homeowner’s Insurance – must provide proof of coverage for eligibility
☐ Proof of Income - for all household members over 18 years of age, including:
- Wages (Paystub) or Verification of Employment (VOE) from your employer
- Seasonal Wages
- Non-Traditional Wages
- Self-Employment/Rental Income
- Child Support or Alimony
- Current year SSI
- Retirement / Annuities
- If necessary, Zero Income Household Member Form (Complete for each household member 18+ without income)
For questions or additional details contact: Community Relations Division at (785) 309-5745 or e-mail: [email protected]
This Grant covers the area located within Saline County’s U.S. Census Tract 3, and priority will be given to properties located in the neighborhood bounded by State Street to the north, Ninth Street to the east, South Street to the south, and Broadway to the west. Several factors went into determining the targeted 10-block neighborhood. The target area was identified based on the criteria from the grant sources. This included: average neighborhood income, average condition of the properties, average property value compared to cost of new construction, average property age, average utility usage statistics, and public infrastructure conditions (roads and sidewalks). The Home Rehab Grants will take the existing neighborhood and work with residents to better their homes for longevity and ensure safety.

The City of Salina has been awarded $999,999 through the Federal Home Loan Bank’s (FHLB) Affordable Housing Program. Some highlights of the 2023 awarded grant include:
- Owner occupied homes eligible only
- Homeowners must income qualify
- Participants will be required to complete home ownership course - at no charge
- Participants will be offered additional personal finance class - at no charge
- Anticipate to begin accepting applications in the spring of 2024
- Grant project is projected to run from December 2023 to December 2027
- There is also a link that you may visit to see some of the frequently asked questions related to this grant on "Helpful Links".
For questions or additional details contact: Community Relations Division at (785) 309-5745 or e-mail: [email protected]
Learn more about ALL of the City's Housing Efforts
To learn more about the City of Salina's housing efforts, the City housing plan, and/or infill housing, please see the links below or contact staff.
Contact Staff
Michelle Martin, 785-309-5745 * Lily Morales 785-309-5745 * Marissa Patton, 785-309-5745
Email us!
The City of Salina, Kansas is actively working with the Federal Home Loan Bank grant awarded to help rehabilitate 44 owner-occupied homes located within the neighborhood bounded by State Street to the north, Ninth Street to the east, South Street to the south, and Broadway to the west.
Contractors who would like to be part of this Neighborhood Repair & Rehabilitation Project are encouraged to sign up at: to receive the upcoming Request for Bids from City of Salina Notifications. Each home will be bid individually within the course of the next 3 years. The scope of work for these 44 projects could potentially include work in the following disciplines: roofing, exterior maintenance, mechanical, heating/cooling, electrical, plumbing, structural, and/or doors/windows installation.
With the expansion of major employers and growth on the horizon, Salina has applied concentrated efforts since 2021 to improve the City’s housing stock for all residents. In 2021 the City adopted a revised housing plan (Live Salina 2021 Supplemental Update) and a housing incentive policy. Since that time, the City has worked with developers to incentivize and begin construction on over 400 new owner-occupied homes and 500 new rental units. With new “green field” construction for housing underway and on track to meet the housing plan goals, City efforts are now turning to the next stage in the housing strategy, “infill” development. Infill development focuses on stabilizing and improving established neighborhoods and the older homes and vacant lots within them.
On March 12, 2023, City staff presented an infill housing strategy to the City Commission. The strategy identified several programs available to Salina that can provide resources for repairing and rehabilitating older homes. The strategy is based on research, the housing plan’s recommendations, best practices from around Kansas and neighboring states, stakeholder feedback, and dialogue with the City Commission. Eligibility for these grants requires pre-application activities and documentation, including community interest survey.
December 2023- $999,999 GRANT AWARDED by Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB)
We are now accepting applications.