BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas:
Section 1. Findings. In relation to the following described real estate:
A tract of land located on the west side of North Ohio Street bordered by I-70 on the north, North Ohio Street on the east and extending to the city limit line on the south and west, containing 93.02 acres, more or less. (the “Property”)
the Governing Body makes the following findings:
- All conditions precedent for the amendment of the City’s Comprehensive Plan have been timely met;
- The Property for which the land use map amendment is being requested lies on the west side of the North Ohio Street corridor, is adjacent to I-70 and is located inside the city limits; and
- The City of Salina has already invested in extending utilities to the North Ohio Street corridor; and
- When the Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2010, there was a belief by Planning Commissioners and City Commissioners that the area along North Ohio Street south of I-70 should be set aside for highway oriented uses serving travelers on I-70 such as travel plazas convenience stores, motels and restaurants. Therefore, the Ohio Street corridor south of I-70 was shown as future Commercial with the expectation that most of the property would be zoned C-7 (Highway Commercial). There has been very little interest shown on North Ohio by businesses serving interstate travelers. Instead, the interest has been shown by light industrial and service businesses such as Foley Equipment Co., a utility company in the former Harley-Davidson building and Beck’s Hybrid Seeds. All of these businesses fit best within an I-2 (Light Industrial) zoning classification which is not consistent with either the Commercial or Conservation land use category.
- The western portion of the Property was identified as a Conservation Area in the Comprehensive Plan because it was located entirely within the mapped 100 year flood plain in 2010 at the time the Plan was adopted. The 2018 Flood plain map update removed most of the future Beck’s site from the mapped 100 year flood plain which would now support it being designated as part of the Employment Area instead of the Conservation Area.
Section 2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The Future Land Use Map (Figure 2.1) of the Salina Comprehensive Plan is amended to show the Property as a future Employment land use area.
Section 3. Repealer. All prior ordinances relating to the Property are repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this ordinance.
Section 4. Summary of ordinance for publication. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper by the following summary.
Ordinance No. 23-11170 Summary
On August 28, 2023, the City of Salina, Kansas passed Ordinance No. 23-11170. The ordinance amends the Future Land Use Map in the Salina Comprehensive Plan to show the future land use designation of the west side of North Ohio Street south of I-70 as Employment Area instead of Conservation Area and Commercial land use area in order to be consistent with its I-2 (Light Industrial) zoning designation. A complete copy of the ordinance is available at www.salina-ks.gov or in the office of the city clerk, 300 W. Ash, free of charge. This summary is certified by the city attorney.
Introduced: August 21, 2023
Passed: August 28, 2023
Michael L. Hoppock, Mayor
Nikki Goding, Deputy City Clerk
The publication summary set forth above is certified this 29th day of August, 2023.
Greg Bengtson, City Attorney